Keep Lake Placid Beautiful was organized in 2002 to promote public interest in the general improvement of the environment of Lake Placid, Florida. It recommends programs for litter control in conjunction with and in cooperation with citizens, government, businesses and industries within the boundaries of Lake Placid Florida.
The organization conducts continuing education programs, encourages stricter code enforcement, investigates and
recommend new forms of technology. Develops programs within the government and the community which will aid in the
sustained reduction of litter; implements and maintains the Keep America Beautiful System. It studies, investigates
and recommends plans for improving health, sanitation, safety
To visit the web site click here

Photo Credit: Jerry Meisenheimer/Highlands News-Sun
This group of young people donated their Saturday morning, March 30th, to help with the Keep Lake Placid Beautiful clean-up project.

Photo Credit: Jerry Meisenheimer/Highlands News-Sun
Teams of orange vested volunteers fanned out to scour the streets, alleys, and parks of Lake Placid looking for trash thrown out be inconsiderate people.

Photo Credit: Jerry Meisenheimer/Highlands News-Sun
Eileen May, of the Lake Placid Chamber of Commerce, and Donald Clarke, president of Keep Lake Placid Beautiful were proud of the hard work of the 36 volunteers for clean-up day.

Photo Credit: Jerry Meisenheimer/Highlands News-Sun
Volunteers from the JayCees, 4-H, FFA, Interact Club, and the Environmental Club all participated in gathering trash from around the Town.